Plot: Lovestruck Summer is the story of 18-year-old Quinn, an indie-rock girl spending the summer in Austin on a coveted music internship. While she hopes to find the perfect hipster boyfriend, she unexpectedly falls in love with a college cowboy who makes her challenge her own stereotypes, expand her musical tastes, and ultimately open up her world.
(Summary from the blog of the author herself)
Cover: The cover is absolutely hideous. There is no way I would've picked this up in a bookstore had I not already decided to get this exact novel. But based on cover, never.
My opinion: I read one raging review about this novel and when I found it on The Bookdepository for just above 3€, I didn't hesitate a second; I just bough it. It's not an elaborate novel with many different side stories and a huge cast, but still this novel really managed to draw me in. Last night, I just thought I'd read a chapter or two before going to sleep but I ended up finishing the entire novel. Well, the 265 pages of it.
I really enjoyed this novel! More than many I've read lately. Although rather predictable, Lovestruck Summer is a really sweet and summery novel that gives you the urge to want to visit Texas or perhaps just go abroad and do something crazy.
The novel has very likable characters, from the main character Priscilla to the sorority cousin Penny with her cross-dressing dog and the internship co-worker Jade. And not to mention cowboy next door Russ! Mmm-mm. What probably worked so well for me in this novel was the chemistry that Melissa Walker managed to create between her characters. I often find that authors have difficulties to create a romance that I "feel", but this one was very well executed. One was not surprised by the romance itself; it was kind of obvious what was to come, but because it took a while for it to go anywhere a lot of excellent romantic tension was built. And you know how I love my romantic tension!
So, if you're looking for a fast read and a sweet romance, Lovestruck Summer is the perfect summer read!
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